My name is Connor Tedstrom. I played high school hockey in Colorado for 4 years, and during my senior year, I decided I wanted to pursue playing junior hockey and Division I college hockey. This is the story of going from Colorado High School Hockey to junior hockey from my perspective: my thoughts, experiences, and lessons learned along the way.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Things Will Get Better

I was basically a water boy all weekend again. I don't like it, but I'm not going to complain about it because that will just make things worse for me. I'm going to go about business as usual and try to change my situation. I've been reading this book called Mind Gym, and it's been really great in helping me become more positive. It says that where most athletes get hung up is in their mental approach. The most successful athletes are those who can think positively about every situation and work hard to improve their weaknesses. It also gives some pointers and some real life examples of high level athletes. And their experiences are never perfect either. It suggested carrying around the Serenity Prayer, which a lot of athletes do. It says, "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." It's a great little prayer, and it really helps calm me down when I start to feel angry or sad that I'm not playing. The team also partakes in prayers before every game, and the chaplain reminds us to keep God with us as we go forward with hockey because we owe a lot of our good fortune and talents to Him. All these things are helping me tackle the mental side of this experience. I was having a hard time with things before, but now I think I've started to figure it out. I'm going to have more fun when I'm on the ice for practice, and I'm going to start playing with confidence, and not be worried about being perfect. I am a good hockey player when I put my mind right, and I am going to believe in myself and my abilities and let it show that I believe in myself.

1 comment:

  1. Connor, I love the serenity prayer! Its very wise. And things will get better. Remember the line from the book The 12th Angel? "Every day in every way I'm getting better and better!". Positive self talk is huge.

    Love, Dad
