My name is Connor Tedstrom. I played high school hockey in Colorado for 4 years, and during my senior year, I decided I wanted to pursue playing junior hockey and Division I college hockey. This is the story of going from Colorado High School Hockey to junior hockey from my perspective: my thoughts, experiences, and lessons learned along the way.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Summer Plans

I think I'm going to start writing for the Vail Daily this summer. I'm really excited about it because it will keep me busy, and it will keep me writing. I think it would be really awesome to write about my junior hockey experience in the newspaper because I don't think a lot of people know what junior hockey is about, especially around here where skiing is king. I, myself, didn't even know what junior hockey was about until this past year. It might be something that you never understand unless you participate, but I think it would be really cool to write about it more publicly to try to inform people. I can't say how many times I get confused looks when I tell people what I am doing right now. I say, "I'm playing junior hockey, trying to get a college scholarship." And I get answers like, "You should say you're deferring from college, so it actually sounds like you're doing something." That bothers me because I felt like I was doing something this year. I know there are doubters and people questioning my choice to play junior hockey; I guess that is something I just need to get used to and something I need to disregard. Because the only opinion that matters is mine. I shouldn't let other people's opinions affect my attitude. But I think writing about it will really help me stay positive and help inform people that I was doing more than just playing hockey this year.

I'm excited for this summer as well because I think I can really separate myself with how I train. After one year of junior hockey, I know what it takes to be successful on and off the ice, which will only help motivate me to work harder this summer. I can really push myself off the ice this summer to make myself a better player, and I know there will be people training as hard or harder than me, so that will drive me also. I want to come into the season in the best shape possible.

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